Delaware Bible Church!

Delaware, OH
Monday June 16–Friday June 20 from 9 a.m.–noon
It's a jungle out there! There's adventure around every bend at "The Great Jungle Journey", where kids are equipped to answer questions about who God is and what his Word teaches about salvation. Excitement galore awaits as your child will learn how to reconnect the Bible to real life through the Seven C's of History. Children will be encouraged to seek their Creator and Savior!
VBS at DBC will be held on June 17-21 from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. General Pre-Registration beginning on May 15. All students entering Kindergarten - entering Grade 6 are invited to attend.
VBS is completely free to attend! VBS music CDs and t-shirts will be available for purchase during VBS!
Help Our VBS!
Donate Volunteer Sign UpDelaware Bible Church—45 Belle Avenue, Delaware, OH 43015